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We Have Perfect Colocation Package for You
A Colocation Center enables you to rent equipment, space, bandwidth and power through our Data Center. ASH HOST Co location facilities provide you with space, power, cooling, and physical security for your server, storage, and networking equipment. They are also connected to a variety of telecommunications and network service providers with a minimum of cost and complexity.
- Trustworthy Partner for your Computing Outsourcing Needs
Colocation service lets you house your servers in our safe and fully protected office. You need not bother about the maintenance of the server, as we will take care of additional equipment, such as rack, power, ping, and pipe, to ensure smooth and unhindered data center services 24/7 according to your business needs.
- Flexible Scalability
Our colocation services offer flexible scalability to clients. No matter when and how quickly your business needs change, we are ready to accommodate both increasing and declining colocation requirements. You need not worry about getting new additional equipment, as we can handle it all with élan, meeting your business goals. We will set up a dedicated server right after you place the order.
- Stringent Security Measures
We understand that the main concern of clients while hosting their servers with us is the security. To dispel your tension, we take advanced measures, ranging from biometric scanners and closed-circuit cameras to on-site security, coded access, and alarm systems. You need not purchase any security equipment, as we will provide it as a part of our colocation service package.
- Unfailing Connectivity
We will house your servers in our specially designed climate controlled data center. Moreover, we will provide high bandwidth speed and outstandingly fast network connections so that your servers run without overheating or disruption of the network.
- Complete Stability
We guarantee 99.99% uptime. No matter whether our clients change their office location or their office stops operating due to a severe natural disaster, their server and data will be safe with us. We have contingencies and backup generators to keep service stable and continuous.
- Unique IP Address
Every colocation server is assigned a unique IP address. Therefore there is no need to share your IP address with other servers. You also don’t need to be concerned about other servers gobbling up your CPU and RAM.
- Security – To protect our clients, we ensure the highest level of security and compliancy the Data Centre industry offers.
- NZ Data Centers – Our Data Centers are located in the center of Auckland CBD, New Zealand.
- Server Monitoring Tools – Our client portal provides easy to use server tools such as Server Metrics, Bandwidth Usage, Backups and Firewall management.
- 24/7 Support – Help is always at hand with 24/7 support from our dedicated support team.

Questions about Hosting
Contact us by email or phone to discuss more about how we can provide Hosting Services that will streamline and increase the efficiency of your business.